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Mommy Mocktail Mojito

We all have those days where we want to kick our feet back and relax with a cooling cocktail, even while pregnant. Although the FDA does not approve any amount of alcohol as safe during pregnancy, no one says you can't indulge in a mommy-cocktail, or two. This is the perfect drink if you are ever feeling left out at a party. you can either rain yours pre-made in a bottle and pour there or quickly whip it up at your friends house.


Dairy-free, Gluten-free, nut-free, soy-free, vegetarian

yield: 2 servings

serving size: 1 cup

12 mint leaves

4 tablespoons of honey

1/4 cup freshly squeezed lime juice

1/2 cup of pineapple juice

2 cups sparkling water


  1. In a jug or large bowl, mix together lime juice + pineapple juice

  2. Mix in honey until dissolved, this can take a couple minutes

  3. Add sparkling water and divide the whole mix into serving glasses

  4. Top each glass with mint leaves and add garnish of your choice, pineapple slices, or lime slices or lemon work well for me :)

Fun Fact: Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain this enzyme breaks down the proteins in tissue and is what makes your tongue tingle. Bromelain is a protease type of enzyme which means it helps to break down proteins into building blocks, including amino acids. This process helps aid digestion and the absorption of protein.

There is a common belief that somehow the bromeliad from pineapple travels down to the cervix causing tissue breakdown, causing the cervix to soften and simultaneously stimulating labor. However, there is no scientific evidence that supports this theory.

It is in fact safe to enjoy a serving of pineapple during pregnancy.


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