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Doula Offerings

1-on-1 Prenatal, Labour & Delivery Support

What is a Doula?

As the birthing person, you are the main actor and the Doula is the supporting actor. We are your support system in the following ways; emotional, informational, advocacy, physical, and partner support. We are here to ensure that you understand what is happening during all steps of your labor and delivery and are here to help you cope with emotional and physical concerns that may arise. We are trained in non-invasive techniques to help soothe fear, tension, and pain. 


What is a Doula's role during labor & Delivery?

During labor and delivery, a Doula will stick by your side and help through position changes, breathing, pain coping techniques, and advocacy and communication when needed. Doctors or midwives may change shifts, and some may only be present during the final stages of birth. However, Doulas will meet with you before the birth, will stay with you during the entire labor and delivery process, and will often make one follow-up visit to check on your emotional and physical wellness and can provide breastfeeding tips and make sure the baby is latching on correctly. Studies have shown that doulas can help cut back on time spent in labor, reduce a mom’s anxiety, lower the rate of medical interventions (including C-sections) and improve mother-baby bonding post-birth. A Doulas assistance has also been shown to improve the odds of breastfeeding success.


Can a Doula help with labor pains?

Yes. A Doula can help guide the birthing person through labor pains by using different techniques, some of which include; counter pressure, comforting touch, breathing techniques, and visualizations. 


Can a Doula also help my partner in the labor & delivery process?

Yes. Doulas are trained to provide partner support whether it is a romantic partner, friend, or another family member. A few of the ways in which we can help are breathing techniques, partner exercises, informational, and emotional support. 


Can a Doula deliver my baby?

Doulas CANNOT deliver your baby. We are NOT medically trained professionals and will not be physically delivering your baby. 


Will a Doula help me with my birth plan?

We will most definitely help you with a birth plan, whether it is for you and your partner, your midwife, or your OB/GYN. We help you navigate through your birth plan whether you deliver at home, the birthing center, or a hospital. Our most important take-away for designing a birth plan is to understand what is most important for you during labor & delivery, what you want and do not want but also understanding that we have no control over the process of birth. What you are in control of is understanding that things may not go as planned BUT as Doulas, we are here to help you cope. We teach you how to cope with the emotional and physical aspects of your journey when something does not go according to plan. 


Can a Doula help me if I am delivering in a hospital?

Yes. Doulas can help you even if you are giving birth at a hospital. During COVID, many hospitals have strict precautions in place that only allow one other person in the hospital with you. If we are not present with you at your hospital birth, we will do everything we can to prepare you to be the most calm, informed, and powerful version of yourself going into that delivery room. 


Can a Doula help me if I decided to have a medicated birth?

Yes. Doulas can help in any kind of delivery, medically complex or unmedicated. 


Can a Doula help me if I am having a home birth?

Yes. Doulas can be present at home births. 




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